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香河 永泰木工机械销售中心

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2016-09-06  浏览次数:757
 行业  技术人员  职位  技术人员
 招聘部门  售后  招聘人数  5人
 工作地区  四川遂宁市  工作性质  全职
 性别要求  男士  婚姻要求  不限
 学历要求  不限  工作经验  不限
 年龄要求  18-40岁  待遇水平  3000-10000元/月
 更新日期  2016-09-06  有效期至  长期有效

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门市一:河北省廊坊市香河县永泰路永泰木工机械  电话:0316-8338036 7671567  传真:0316-8338182

门市二:浙江省江山市贺村镇贺福南路38号 永泰木工机械定制家具智能设备  电话:0570-4888444  手机:13732669908  毛辉
136-2580-8868解经理   135-7566-7188徐经理    地址:浙江省江山市贺村镇喇叭山路口

本公司主要经营:my系列履动式气动拼板、液压拼板、细木工板自动拼板机、液压式三层热压机、五层制版饰面热压机重型宽带砂光机、普通底漆砂光机、A字型砂光机、液压冷压机等各种木工机械产 品,产品远销全国几十个省市,深受用户好评。为更好的服务客户,公司还可根据用户的不同需求单独设计、制作各种规格的拼板机,并实行跟踪服务,为您提供使 用过程中的技术支持。 本厂坚持以“质量第一,信誉第一,服务第一”为宗旨,以切实满足企业发展中不断领先的各类需求,推陈出新,“外观更美、配备更全、质量更佳”为经营理念, 我们始终是急用户之所急,想用户之所想,努力实现自己的承诺! 衷心希望与社会各界朋友携手合作,共创美好未来,公司总经理携全体员工恭候您的光临和垂询!

Fulfillment of the company's main business: my series pneumatic type makeup, hydraulic makeup, joinery board automatic three layer of hot press machine, hydraulic machine, five layer plate facing hot press heavy wide band sander, the sand light of common primer sanding machine, A word machine, hydraulic cold press machine, etc. Various kinds of woodworking machinery products, products are exported to dozens of provinces and cities across the country, well received by users.To better serve customers, the company can also according to the different requirements of customers design and production of various specifications of the jointing machine independently, and implement the tracking service, to provide you with technical support in the process of use.Our factory insists on "quality first, reputation first, service first" for the purpose, as to satisfy the business enterprise developing continuously lead all kinds of demand, the new, "appearance more beautiful, more complete, the quality is better" is the management idea, we will always be the urgent user anxious, think users want, efforts to achieve his promise!Sincerely hope to cooperate with friends from all walks of life hand in hand, altogether will create the glorious future, general manager with all the staff welcome your visit and inquiry!

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